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Thursday, December 15, 2005
Theme Thursday
Theme Thursday
: Shopping
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My Little Craft Store:
simple things...
thoughts on life, homeschool, crafting and everything else...
each other
family life
healthy living
in the kitchen
just for fun
kid stuff
odds and ends
spiritual things
Blogs I Like To Visit:
a path made straight
blest with sons
bona vita rusticanda est
chaotic home
circle of quiet
classical home
don't try this at home
frog and toad are friends
from under the laundry pile
fruit in season
hms indefatigable
joy in the morning
joyful noise christian school
just as i am
little old house on the hill...
melzie's monologue
mental multivitamin
mommy brain
mommy to four j's
mountain musings
my two cents
pinnacles, pitfalls and pottychairs
polka dotted pickles
press on
quiet life
random contemplations
rocks in my dryer
she lives
sparrow's home
susie's space
tate school
the sacred everyday
things we said today
today's lessons
upward call
what was that?
wisdom has two parts
writing and living
Crafty Inspiration:
craft apple
crafty girls
creative little daisy
happy things
lamplight designs
shim and sons
simple sparrow
trail mix designs
turkey feathers
wise craft
books read in 2007:
elegy for a disease
organic housekeeping
bible--this one i read everyday
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