Wednesday, January 04, 2006


For the new year, I committed to do a little more crafting and to challenge myself more, I don't want to always veer towards the simple stuff. This is NOT--I repeat NOT--a resolution because I DO NOT keep resolutions. Goals/commitments/challenges, those I keep. My first project for the year is a lap-sized quilt top in these cute Neapolitan colors:

And here is the quilt top (it does not have a border and it is not quilted yet):

I am very pleased with how it came out and in spite of the fact the pink is not usually "my color" I like the way the colors look together. This was definitely on the easier side of things so my next quilt will be more of a challenge. I have no clue how to quilt it at this point (any suggestions would be welcome!) so I will set it aside for a while to think about it.

My hubby and I are thinking about painting our room a light spring green and I would like to create a bed-sized quilt to match. I like the idea of having something ready in a light green/yellow combination just in time for spring!

In case anyone is interested, the pattern is called "Hop, Skip and Jump" and it is from this book.